"The truth is more important than the facts. "
- Frank Lloyd Wright (1868-1959)
Doc/commentaries is a video documentary production company based in New York and Kathmandu.

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MEDIA FOR SOCIAL CHANGE Our production company, based in Kathmandu and New York, produces works on urgent, contemporary social issues.

Using a mix of formats, including digital, Betacam and Hi-8 video, our documentaries are shot on location in South Asia, with professionals who know the culture, the language and the history of the region.



Media is a powerful tool for change. We use video, a democratic, accessible technology, to work with people who do not have access to regular media.

Our work reflects the multi-cultural nature of the globalized, transnational world that we inhabit. We
are dedicated to bridging cultures and fostering successful communication, between individuals, organizations and companies in different communities.